Monday, February 16, 2009

Howdy Y'all

Long time no Blogging!!!! It has actually been like 7 months, I think. Well, a lot has happened since my computer bit the dust and caused me to stop blogging. My computer is fixed (obviously). And we have moved back home to Texas. Chris was transferred back in August. We found out we were moving around May or June. We were pretty sure we were going to be moving to Indina and were looking at houses and everything when we got the call saying that they needed Chris at texas Motor Speedway. I have never been so happy!

The kids are doing great! Austen is a big 5th grader and Cooper is in Kinder. Jamie has started preschool a few mornings a week and cries when he doesn't get to go.

Our house has been hit by the dreaded flu this past week. Cooper had it all last week, but I didn't take him to the Dr. because he had no real symptoms, just fever and all over yuck feeling. well, when i woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck Thursday morning I headed for the Dr. and I had the Flu test...yup positive. So Saturday Jamie started the fever so he is home today. Yikes. Luckilly Chris has been working a ton so he hasn't been around for it too much. I pray he doesn't come down with it. He has too much going on at work to be truly sick. He has been working extra hard since he has been coming home and cleaning and doing laundry that i have had no energy to do. What a guy!

Well, I will catch y'all up as I go instead of trying to remember all that has happened around here in these past several months. My next goal is to get updated pics of the boys on here. Hopefully that can be my next post. OXOXOX kc

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